Slayter Creek Middle School Athletics

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Entry to All Athletic Events 

All students in 9th grade and below are required to be accompanied by a paying adult to attend any athletic event. Please be advised that the adult is responsible for accompanying them to the game. Students in the 9th grade and below not accompanied by an adult will not be allowed into home contests. 

Students are expected to sit in the stands. Students are prohibited from loitering in the main concourse and behind the stands. 

Students are expected to be picked up no later than 30 minutes after the end of any athletic event. Failure to pick up students within the 30-minute grace period will result in students being restricted from attending future athletic events. 

General Stadium Rules and Policies

  1. Coyote Stadium is not open for public use; including track, turf field, and bleacher access. Community groups are able to request the use of the track and field and other district facilities by contacting 


  1. All UIL and District policies will be strictly enforced by Anna ISD.

  2. The following items are NOT permitted in the Stadium:

  • Alcoholic Beverages

  • Controlled Substances

  • Tobacco Products of any kind

  • Vape Devices

  • Weapons 

  • Outside Food or Beverages

  • Ice Chests, Coolers or Containers of any kind

  • Aerosol Cans / Silly String

  • Live Animals (exception: ADA approved “service animal”, subject to inspection FBA-LEGAL )“Service animal” means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition.

  • Whistles / Blow-horns

  • Skateboards

  • Balloons, Frisbees, Balls of any type 

  • Tripods

  • Distribution of Literature

  • Baby Powder / Talcum Powder

  • Student Backpacks

  • Lawn Chairs

  • *Umbrellas may be brought into the stadium, but because they can block sightlines and present an injury hazard for fellow patrons, they are not permitted in the stands.

***All Guests’ purses and bags are subject to search

  1. Medical Emergency Staff will be coordinated by AISD and the City of Anna

fire department.  

  1. Stadium security will be provided and coordinated by AISD Police Department.

  2. Alcohol- The possession or consumption of alcohol on Anna ISD premises is strictly prohibited.  Anna ISD Police Department will strictly enforce this policy.  Persons who are intoxicated, or who are in possession of alcohol are subject to ejection from the stadium, and Anna ISD premises.

  3. Smoking & Tobacco Use- Smoking and the use of all tobacco products are strictly prohibited on all Anna ISD premises.  This prohibition applies to all individuals while on any Anna ISD campus, including staff, students, administrators, contractors, and visitors.  Cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, snuff, pipes, and chewing tobacco are not permitted.

  4. Only authorized media photographers (student and adult) will be allowed on the field or in the team areas before, during, and after the game.  This includes sidelines, end zones, and fieldhouses.

  5. All personnel on the sidelines who are not uniformed participants must have an AISD Field Access  Pass attached to their clothing and visible to AISD Security at all times.   AISD Field Access  Pass will be issued by the Athletic Director’s Office. 

  6. Only emergency vehicles may be parked inside the stadium.  No vehicles of any kind are allowed to drive on the surface of the field, including trailers. All equipment on wheels must remain around the outside boundaries of the field.

  7. Outside food or drinks may not be brought into the stadium except by bands, dance teams, or cheerleaders. (Must be approved by Band Director, and team/ group sponsors)

  8. Glass containers of any kind are prohibited in the stadium.

  9. Mascots, Firearms, and pyrotechnic devices- Balloons, cannons, firearms, fireworks, etc. are prohibited at UIL athletic contests.  Except in their normal course of business, emergency vehicles shall not flash lights or sound sirens during the course of the game.  Releasing of balloons is prohibited at UIL athletic events held outdoors. Live animal mascots are not permitted at UIL athletic events.  

  10. No band member, dance team member, cheerleader, mascot or photographer may encroach upon the restraining lines of the team bench areas (25 yard line to 25 yard line) during the course of the game.

  1. Spirit Guidelines

  • There will be no decorations on goalposts. 

  •  Banners signs and replicas of school mascots (other than the run-through sign used at the goal post) shall be placed at a fixed point.*

  • Anna ISD students, along with the band, dance team, and cheerleaders, (Visiting team included) will be allowed to form spirit lines on the field prior to the start of the game,  and at the start of the 2nd half of play.  Once the respective team has passed through the spirit line, they will leave the field immediately.

  • Visiting team fans will not be allowed onto the field.  

  • Rope or zip ties are required to hang spirit signs (NO DUCT TAPE).  All signs, rope and zip ties must be removed at the conclusion of the game. 

  1. Videotaping information: In Section 1208 of the University Interscholastic League Constitution and Contest Rules the following is stated:  

  • A non-competing school shall not film, videotape, or otherwise make a visual recording of an athletic contest without the prior written consent of the schools competing in the contest.

  •  A school does not have to obtain permission to film or tape, or otherwise make a visual recording of an athletic contest in which it is competing. However, the film or videotape, or other visual recordings may only be reviewed or otherwise utilized during the contest in accordance with applicable contest rules.

  • Films, videotapes, and all other kinds of visual recording of all athletic contests in compliance with UIL rules are the property of the school that made them unless their ownership, use, or distribution is governed by district rule or if there is no agreement between the schools competing in the contest.

  •  Videotaping/Filming/Recording by Individuals and Organizations. Except for persons or organizations acting under subsections (1)(A)(i) and (ii) above, no person or organization shall film, videotape or otherwise make a visual recording of any athletic event or activity without prior written consent of the schools that are competing in the event. Any filming, videotaping, or other recording of an athletic contest may not obstruct the view of other spectators of the contest.

  • Commercial Use of films, videotapes or other visual recordings of regular season athletic contests for commercial purposes shall be approved in writing by all schools competing in the contest. Any agreements between the competing schools regarding the filming, videotaping, or other visual recording of regular season athletic contests, including without limitation any commercial uses, shall be consistent with the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules and any contracts made thereunder. 

Contact the Anna Athletic Director’s Office for information and authorization. 

  1. Cameras and Photography- Cameras are permitted into the stadium for both patrons and news media.  All photos taken in the stadium must be for editorial and personal use only and may not be used for advertising, promotions, trade purposes, or any other commercial or promotional endeavor without the written permission of Anna ISD.  Contact Anna Athletic Director’s Office for questions or concerns.